Monday, January 21, 2013

Change is good.

Reclaim- 1. to rescue from an undesirable state; also : to restore to a previous natural state
               2. to demand or obtain the return of 
               3. to regain possession of

My baby is going to be 1 year old next week.

A few months before I found out I was expecting him, I got real fed up with myself. I decided to change my habits for better and newer ones, ones that would make me who I wanted to be.  I was very motivated and I devoted time and energy to make sure I stuck with my plan.  Then I fell flat on my face.

I stopped exercising ( I know, right? What a bad time to give up) and I fell into a deep state of emotional mess.  During this time, we had some of our most trying life changes occur and it was very hard for me to cope.  And every since then, I have not gotten out of it. 

I sit here knowing that my life is not what I need it to be, let alone, what I want it to be.  I have a family that needs me to know what I want out of life, and to show them the way, not make it muddier for them. I am sitting here knowing that I don't even know who I am as a person and I don't want to live this way anymore.

So, now is the time to make my plan and to take that first step. Now it's time to reclaim my life from what has stolen it.  My project is very simple ( I think). I am going to outline the things in my life that are holding me back, then little by little, step by step,I am going to change them into the things that make me succeed.  Simple, right? Umm, not so much.  You see, I have a little problem when it comes to plans- I plan and I plan and I plan, but when it comes time to put that plan into action, I freeze up. I am plan-implementing challenged! I am AWESOME at planning; doing, not so much.

 So that is my first step this week, make a plan and start it. So let's get on with it shall we, since this is the easy part-planning. Ok, here goes.

Step 1- Make an outline of the things that are sucking the life out of you ( shall we name them Life Suckers?, why not!) and what are some possible solutions, Life Reclaimers, perhaps.

I am planning on starting with some sort of order, and I am going to use a few resources that talk about how to start this kind of life change.  One way to see things is in Maslow's Heirarchy.  I think I am somewhere in between the second and third and forth parts. I am an over- mulit-tasker, so it will be good for me to identify what I need most at this time. 

Now that I have started this, I need to remind myself why.  I am doing this, because quite frankly, if I don't, I will go insane. I will be a weird, reclusive, grouchy mom, who stays in her pj's that she has worn for 2 days and I will neglect to be the mom I was chosen to be.  I am nearly there now, and that is why I HAVE to change.  I am worth it and my family is worth it. I just have to keep reminding myself that.

Have you ever gotten to a place where you knew you had to change?  Did you succeed?